Natural gemstone hair accessories and hair clips
🩷:WHAT IS AMETHYST? Imagine a majestic purple gemstone that captures the essence of tranquility and spiritual beauty. Amethyst, a cherished variety of quartz, possesses a captivating allure. Geologically, amethyst undergoes a remarkable transformation within the Earth's depths. It starts as clear quartz, and through a combination of heat and pressure, it acquires its enchanting purple hue. This magical process occurs in volcanic rocks or granitic formations, where silica-rich fluids slowly cool and crystallize. The result is breathtaking amethyst crystals, ranging in size from delicate clusters to awe-inspiring geodes. As a crystal lover, you can appreciate the Earth's artistic mastery, giving birth to amethyst's serene energy, promoting inner peace, spiritual connection, and a harmonious balance in life.
🩷:WHAT IS ROSE QUARTZ? Rose Quartz, the gentle and delicate beauty of the crystal kingdom, is a captivating gemstone cherished by crystal lovers. It is a variety of quartz that owes its lovely pink hue to trace amounts of titanium, iron, or manganese present during its formation. This romantic stone, with its translucent to transparent appearance, is formed through the slow cooling of molten magma deep within the Earth's crust. Over millions of years, the quartz crystals grow and interlock, creating the mesmerizing rose quartz formations that we admire today.
🩷:WHAT IS TIGER'S EYE? Tiger's Eye is a fascinating gemstone that belongs to the quartz group of minerals. It is composed mainly of silicon dioxide and obtains its unique appearance through a process known as pseudomorphism, where the original mineral composition is replaced by a different mineral while retaining its original shape. Tiger's Eye forms when crocidolite, a type of fibrous blue mineral, undergoes this transformation and is replaced by golden-brown to reddish-brown quartz. The resulting stone exhibits a captivating chatoyancy, also known as the "cat's eye effect," characterized by a shimmering band of light that moves across the surface as the stone is rotated.
🩷:WHAT IS AVENTURINE? Aventurine is a variety of Quartz with specks of mica that give it a sparkly mystery. Aventurine is usually green, but also occurs in blue, yellow, brown, white gray, orange, red and yellow.Aventurine, discovered in the 18th century, comes from the Italian word 'Ventura' which means by chance, and is name after a jewerly maker's mistake. It is said metal filings were accidentally dropped into a vat of melting glass. When the glass cooled, it was used to make jewelry as it had beautiful iridescent sparkles throughout it. The name Aventurine was later given to the stone as it looked just like this 'accidental' sparkling glass.
🩷:What is citrine the crystal good for?
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